Monday, November 7, 2011

The Second Coming Of A Crazy Wingnut

We are, as of yesterday, one year to the Presidential election. And so it seems appropriate to turn my attention once more to the work of the editorial cartoonists, and their take on the seemingly endless Republican quest to find someone who can take down President Obama a year from now.

It hasn't been going well. Sufficed to say... these morons are what the GOP would select?

Let's see here... when we last left off, Governor Chris Christie (who might well have been a half respectable choice for the nomination) kept telling the party hacks to "go away, I'm not interested, leave me alone, what part of drop dead do you not understand?" Oh, and of course "if you don't stop bothering me, I'll have you whacked, you idiots." And of course, the Mama Grizzly, Sarah Palin, has dropped out of the game. Her day is done, and rather then blame herself and her ill considered decision to do a reality show about her family, she's planning on having that author who moved in next door for awhile to do a bio... whacked.

Meanwhile, for some inexplicable reason, Pizza Guy moved into first place in the polls. It's an abberation. No, I don't understand it either....

Basic Presidential rules: no one named Herman should even have the right to run for President. Let's face it, no foreign leader will respect a President named Herman. Especially when this Herman seems to think that no government report should be more then three pages.

I'll have more next time on the scandal erupting around Pizza Guy. For now, I'll say this. Having had heard enough of his nutty statements, I was wondering what it was about Herman Cain that seemed so familiar. Then it hit me. He reminds me of Ross Perot.

Herman Cain is the Second Coming of Ross Perot.

By the way, that's not a good thing.

Meanwhile, Governor Mittens and the Second Coming of Dubya, Rick Perry remain in the race, taking shots at each other with regularity....

And Michelle Bachmann just won't go away....

There's just one way to settle this whole thing, and come up with a candidate. In the Thunderdome...

"Two men enter! One man leaves!"


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