Well, all good things come to an end. And all bad things, for that matter. Come to think of it, everything ends sooner or later. And so we reach the end of the road for the Libya blogs. In recent days, for those of you who have been living under a rock, stranded in the wilderness, or ignoring the outside world, Moammar Gadhafi (take your pick on the spelling; there are dozens of variations on his name) met his end, shot after his convoy was attacked. The total nutbar, terrorist financier, and general pariah arguably got what was coming to him, cornered like an animal. It's strangely fitting, given all the blood on the man's hands.
When I started all of these Libya blogs, I didn't quite realize how long it would go on, but I'd say this is the last one. With the Nutbar dead, Libya turns a page in a new chapter in its national life. Hopefully it's for the best. And given the circumstances of his death, I've even thought of a way to work it into the backstory of a character down the line. Which character, of course, is another matter entirely.
Often when someone famous dies, the standard position of a cartoonist will be depicting them arriving in Heaven. On occasion, however, Hell is the most likely destination for a well deserving Nutbar, so the standard for cartoonists becomes that hot place full of demons with pitchforks, lots of fire, and John Wayne grumbling.
Rumor has it when Gadhafi found himself in Hell, the Devil introduced him around. "Moammar, meet Adolf, Josef, Vladimir, Saddam, Osama, and Leona Helmsley. I'm sure you'll all get along famously."
Gadhaffi's first tweet from Hell: First day in Hell. Seems colder then I expected. Am planning to overthrow cranky red guy with help from Saddam.
Goodbye, Moammar. You were always good for a laugh (from a distance)... even if you were a crazy, self absorbed, tyrannical nutbar who killed God knows how many people and fashioned yourself a King of Kings. I know, it sucks, having your life end in such an undignified way, with your wig gone and all bloody and such in front of the world, but hey... we can't always get what we want. Besides, you deserved it. You had to know it was always going to end this way, right?
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