Thursday, January 15, 2009

Britney Spears

Britney to join Carrie and the gang!

I always thought "Sex and the City: The Movie" was a bad idea. Then I was almost-right, with the movie being somewhat satisfactory, but not nearly as fabulous as the show itself. Plus, they cast Jennifer Hudson as the surprisingly-annoying assistant of Carrie. Now, they're doing it all over again. They are making a sequel, PLUS they're thinking of throwing in some Britney for good measure.
Sarah Jessica Parker told MTVUK, "My idea is to have someone like Britney Spears move to New York as my cousin or niece and Carrie would show her the ropes.” Now, this sounds as total gossip to me (I mean, since when is SJP involved in the writing process?), but still, it sounds interesting, in theory at least.

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