Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Martha? Rubbing alcohol for you?

Very sad. In all honesty, I can't say I was a huge fan--not because I disliked her, I enjoyed her very much in her films when I saw them.

It may be quite safe to say, however, that she was more of an icon than an actress. And I get that, but I can't say I ever identified with or adored her. She seemed somewhat controversial in her personal life (ahem, I believe just last week I was talking about Carrie Fisher's autobiography...), but that never bothered me in the slightest.

At the end of the day, I was just never really too well acquainted with her filmography--I mean, can you believe I've never seen Butterfield 8? I feel like a failure as a cinephile, but I'm on it. Promise. And for the record, I still adore Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf?, that baby never gets old.

(Editor's Note: So I had this nagging feeling like I HAD seen Butterfield 8, and sure enough I went to Netfux to add it, and apparently I already gave it 3/5 stars. And honestly, even after reading the summary, I SO DO NOT RECALL THIS FILM. Maybe it says more about my brain than her performance, but ouch in any case.)

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