Saturday, July 10, 2010

He's gonna be a fry cook on Venus.

Everyone's up late tonight studying for finals or trying to knock out our take-home exams. I fall into the latter category. So does my Swedish friend B, but we keep checking in via facebook. And this made me laugh out loud:

My neighbours are having a party. Right now, they sing (to the melody of our student song, the one in the video about [redacted]) "Jag vill dö jag vill ej längre leva, jag vill dö jag vill ej längre leva, jag vill dö jag vill ej längre leva, jag vill dö i famnen på en man". This means I want to die I don't want to live anymore, I want to die I don't want to live anymore, I want to die I don't want to live anymore, I want to die in the arms of a man." I am as perplexed as you are.

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