Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Celebrity MUMMA [Kelly Preston]

Kelly Preston: "I Love Being A Mom"

Kelly and her beautiful boy Ben on the cover of Health Magazine.

 Do you remember the moment you decided to have another child?
 We had been trying for quite a few years, and then of course there was a time when we weren't, and then we started trying again. When I found out I was pregnant, I was floored. I'd snuck out of bed and then came back and woke Johnny up in bed. We both started crying. It was wonderful.

 Did you have any reservations about having another baby?

I didn't have any doubts. I love being pregnant. I love the closeness I feel when I'm carrying them. I love feeling them move inside me. My heart breaks for people who aren't able to have kids. But I feel like there's really hope for anyone.

 How would you describe yourself as a mom?

 Very hands-on. I absolutely adore my kids. Johnny and I love them up constantly. Ella's like, "Mom, ugh! Thank god you had Ben because now he can take some of the kisses!" And Johnny sings to them—a lot of Tony Bennett and Barbra Streisand.

 Do you appreciate mother-hood now more than ever, considering everything you've been through?
Absolutely. I've always wanted to be a mother, ever since I was 11. I was an expert babysitter. I was doing commercials for thousands of dollars, but I'd still babysit for $3 an hour just because I loved it. I'm just in a good place, and am able to really be with my kids. It's pretty amazing having a child at this age.

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