Wednesday, September 8, 2010

It would also be nice if I could fellate myself while farting The White Album, but I haven't managed that yet.

Well Monday is going to be a really, really brutal day. On the plus side? Right after I get out of class, I get to see Arianna Huffington speak! So that will be pretty all right, if you ask me. So even if it's a shitty day, it should have an okay ending.

We had a very nice, bad-ass thunderstorm this morning, finally. It was the first one since I was in Sweden--the night of the World Cup final some of us got caught in a huge thunderstorm and were stuck at Max Burger for the first half of the game. Considering what a shit game it was, however, nothing lost! The good company was far better.

Seriously, I will go back to Sweden one day for the Max Burgers. If only it were easy to get layovers there, too...

But the rest of the day has been really beautiful, not that I was outside for it. Le sigh! And soon it will be winter here. Maybe we'll have a real one this year.

But goddammit I am going to sneak up to Vermont for at least a day, preferably two, before that winter thing happens. Want Cold Hollow Cider Mill doughnuts and cider! Plus, you know, Vermont's pretty and stuff. ;)

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