Tuesday, August 26, 2008

A person doesn't have to be perfect to be exactly what you need.

So I went to the doctor today, who basically told me I needed the same type of physical therapy I was getting at the chiropractor. So whatever. Although she did get me a prescription for muscle relaxers and anti-inflammatory drugs. Woo hoo, let's see what those do!

I made those Middle Eastern turkey burgers and fuck were they good. You put them on pita bread with cucumber-yogurt dip between the two...so fucking tasty. I highly recommend.

I had perhaps the most worthless weekend ever. Saturday I took it easy and just watched a ton of BSG and a disc of 24...not realizing that Sunday I planned on getting sick and really being worthless all day. Just a bunch of sleeping and some minimal eating...soda crackers and ginger ale are still magical. All better now...

My friends seem to be doing very well lately: Drew's boyfriend is moving in with him in his Washington Heights pad, which is very exciting. I still need to meet this boy! And Emily just sent me a text that she landed a job (she just moved to Brooklyn with her new husband) with the Japan Foundation. So happy for both of them! And I can't wait to visit...

Speaking of which, I heard a rumor as to why they pushed the next Potter film back for nearly a year. The reason WB gives is that the writers' strike pushed everything back. However, the film is completed, so that doesn't make a lot of sense. But then you realize that right about the same time in November the film would be opening, guess who's going to be flashing his wang all over NYC? Yup, they pulled it (so the rumor goes) because of Equus. On the one hand, I can kind of understand--they need him for press stuff and to only be answering questions about Potter, not about gettin' nekked. But on the other hand, really? Seriously? Gimme a fucking break.

And I finally got around to watching Lust, Caution (how long did that take...), which is infamous for its explicit sex scenes. Ok, first of all, those didn't really do anything for me, not that they were even the point of the film. Secondly, the movie was kinda...meh. It was just...you know, kinda pedestrian, to be honest. Sigh. I hate disappointing movies.

Luckily, I have the last discs of season 2.5 of BSG and of Arrested Development season 1 at home tonight, along with a little honey chicken number for dinner...so it should be a nice evening. Mmmm hmmmm....

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